
Drive on it.
Walk on it.
Live on it.

A pedestrian is a happy driver, who has found a parking lot. [Joachim Fuchsberger]

Depending on the area of application, there are varying re­quire­ments for the protection of the surfaces. VIASOL DECK systems are suitable for exposed car parking areas, multi-storey car park levels, under­ground car parks and ramps as well as spiral ramps and walk­ways.


Exposed Parking Areas

Exposed parking areas must be able to withstand all kinds of ele­ments such as weather con­ditions, changes in the temp­erature, ex­posure to chemical sub­stances and mechanical loads for long periods. De-icing salts and other salt products pose the big­gest threat to the surface. A lot of damage can be caused by salts per­meating the building.

Inter­mediate Decks

Although the levels in a multi-storey car park aren´t dircetly exposed to weathering coming from above, often the sides are open and hence the weather can affect its surfaces. These levels can be sub­jected to the cold, heat, vib­rations, traffic and chemical sub­stances.

Under­ground Car Park

An under­ground car park ist space-saving and can be many floors deep, but the lower the car park goes, the more the building be­comes prone to water vapour diffusion. When this is the case, it is advisable to install a vapour permeable surface protection system in the underground car park.

Ramps & Spiral Ramps

Ramps and spiral ramps are often exposed to re­peated wear an tear in the same areas. Spiral ramps are es­pecially ex­posed to heavy wear. For this reason, a coating with high wear-resistance should be applied on surfaces ex­posed to heavy mechanical loads.

Bridge Side­walks

Die Zugänge zum Parkhaus für Fußgänger bestehen oft aus Brückenwege oder Außentreppen. Diese sind allen Witterungen und somit auch hohen Temperaturunterschiede ausgesetzt. Das Beschichtungssystem muss zudem eine rutschhemmende und sichere Oberfläche bieten.

OS 10 car park flooring system with spraycoating

highly wear-resistant OS 10 system

Fast curing car park deck coating system with sprayed waterproofing membrane and ready-to-use wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties class B 4.2 (-20°C) for multi storey car parks. According to DIN EN 1504-2, DIN V 18026 , DIN 18532 1+6 and RILI SIB 2001 class OS10.



OS 10 system with enhanced crack bridging properties

Fast curing car park deck coating system with separate, manually applied waterproofing membrane and wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties class B 4.2 and IVT+V (-20°C) for multi storey car parks. According to: : RILI SIB 2001, class OS10 and DIN 18532 Part 1 and 6.

OS 10 car park flooring system with spraycoating

VIASOL DECK spray rapid

highly wear-resistant OS 10 system

Fast curing car park deck coating system with sprayed waterproofing membrane and ready-to-use wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties class B 4.2 (-20°C) for multi storey car parks. According to DIN EN 1504-2, DIN V 18026 , DIN 18532 1+6 and RILI SIB 2001 class OS10.


Fast curing OS 10 Flooring System

Fast curing car park deck coating system with separate, spray applied waterproofing membrane and wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties class B 4.2 and IVT+V. Suitable for multi storey car parks. According to DIN EN 1504-2, DIN V 18026, class OS 11a (OS Fa) and RILI SIB 2001, class OS10.

OS 10 Systems VIASOL DECK spray EP


Fast curing OS 10 Flooring System

Fast curing car park deck coating system with separate, spray applied waterproofing membrane and wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties class B 4.2 and IVT+V. Suitable for multi storey car parks. According to DIN EN 1504-2, DIN V 18026, class OS 11a (OS Fa) and RILI SIB 2001, class OS10.

Fast curing car park deck coating system with separate, manually applied waterproofing membrane


highly wear-resistant OS 10 system

Fast curing car park deck coating system (formerly known als VIASOL DECK rapid M) with separate, manually applied waterproofing membrane and wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties class B 4.2 (-20°C) for multi storey car parks for exposed and intermediate decks and sidewalks on bridges with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. According to DIN EN 1504-2, DIN V 18026 , DIN 18532 1+6 and RILI SIB 2001 class OS10.



OS 10 system with enhanced crack bridging properties

Fast curing car park deck coating system with separate, manually applied waterproofing membrane and wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties class B 4.2 and IVT+V (-20°C) for multi storey car parks for exposed and intermediate decks and sidewalks on bridges with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. According to: : RILI SIB 2001, class OS10 and DIN 18532 Part 1 and 6.


Car park deck coating system with static crack bridging

Car park deck coating system with statically crack-bridging properties (Class A2, -10°C) For  clossed multi storey car parks on intermediate decks and ramps. Build-up based on class OS 8


Slip resistant, water-vapour permeable epoxy advanced resin based coating system, low odour, low emission, hard-wearing, water-proof surface with good mechanical and chemical properties and a wide colour spectrum. According to DIN EN 1504-2 and DIN V 18026, class OS8.

VIASOL DECK 11a plus

OS 11a coating system for parking areas

Car park deck coating system with separate membrane and wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties (class B 3.2) for multi storey car parks for exposed and intermediate decks and sidewalks on bridges with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. According to EN 1504-2 and DIN V 18026, class OS 11a / OS Fa.


OS 8 surface protection for car parks

OS 8 car park deck coating system for ramps, spirals and underground garages with pedestrian and vehicle traffic and for slip resistant industrial floors with medium to heavy load. According to DIN EN 1504-2 and DIN V 18026, class OS 8.

VIASOL DECK 11b plus

OS 11b coating system for parking areas

Car park deck coating system with combined membrane and wear coat with enhanced crack bridging properties (class B 3.2) for multi storey car parks in intermediate decks with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. According to DIN EN 1504-2 and DIN V 18026, class OS 11b/OS Fb.


OS 13 surface protection system

Car park deck coating system with statically crack-bridging properties (Class A2, -10°C) For  clossed multi storey car parks on intermediate decks and ramps. System accord. to class OS 13.