- Magazine
- Magazine Issue 1

A salesman for floor coating with heart and soul. Otto F. Roedl, the son of a businessman, grew up in Tuebingen and dreamt of becoming a salesman or jeweller.
Despite his senior management status (authorised officer) he remains a doer and carer, who goes and measures the conductivity himself when needed. No one knows as much about flooring materials, building sites and products as he does.

Name: Otto F. Rödl
Birthday: 09. Februar 1957
Position/Position: Authorised Officer, Sales Director
With VIACOR since: 01. April 2008
Languages: German, English
Lives in: Ofterdingen
Place of Birth: Tübingen
Interests: Chemistry, Astronomy
Hobbies: Sport, Fitness training
Family status: Married with 2 children

Special talents: Optimistic attitude
Favourite country: Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Next holiday destination: Spain, Iceland
Favourite food: Roulades
My best cooked dish: Goulash
My favourite lunch break destination is: Restaurant Krokodil
Early start or late finish: Both
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Sweet or salty: Salty

Favourite VIACOR floorings: All
Favourite VIACOR product: All
Dream job when you were young: Salesman, Jeweller
Which 3 things do you always carry with you: Cigarettes, lighter, mobile phone
Most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you at work: There isn’t one (disgraced every day)
Your next professional goal: Retirement
The thing that shaped you the most during your career: Bad managers, I never wanted to be one
Something you always wanted to tell us? As I’ve never told anyone, I’ll keep it to myself